Learning a new language is an essential skill for individuals who want to interact and communicate with people from other origins and cultures. In this time, many of the employers are also wanting to employ people who knows more than one language. The development of the technology has changed language learning, improving its efficiency, accessibility, and usability. And with its improving, many new things came to language learning. In this post, we will be going over how many tools and programs that are available, how they affect the language learners, how technology improves language learning.

With the removal of geographic restrictions, technology has increased accessibility to learning a new language. Learners now may access language classes, podcasts, online courses from any location. Through the online meetings, chat rooms and social media sites, they may study with native speakers or individually. They can also take part in online language forums where they can interact with native speakers of the target language and develop their speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills. Panek (2019) claims that the use of virtual reality and augmented reality in language learning has increased interaction and engagement by giving students access to a stimulated environment that mirrors real world circumstances. Due to the ability of learners to fully immerse themselves in a virtual environment that duplicates the culture and the background of the target language, these technologies are extremely helpful for developing speaking and listening abilities.

Technology has also improved language learning by making it more interactive and interesting. Textbooks, lectures and exercises are common components of traditional language learning techniques, which can be tedious and repetitive. The introduction of interactive tools like gamification via technology has increased the joy and interest in language learning. Language learners can participate in games that test their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. These games are available to players of all ages and may be played on PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Motteram and Sharma (2009) Believe that game-based language instruction can improve students motivation, engagement, an academic results. The impact of gamified learning on second language vocabulary recall and retention was also investigated by Chen, C. H., Chen, Y.L. and Wu (2017). The findings demonstrated that, in comparison to conventional training, Jennifer dictation greatly increased learner's vocabulary and recall retention. The authors hypothesized that gamified learning may be a useful method for encouraging the learning of a second language. In order to make learning more enjoyable and engaging many language learning applications and programs now include game aspects. The gamification has grown in popularity in recent years.

The technology has also improved individualized language learning. Different learning methods, interests and objectives apply to language learners. Systems for adaptive learning have been developed by technology and they can now adapt to different learning preferences and offer tailored feedback. These systems examine learner data and make suggestions for areas that require development using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. Additionally, language learners can select programs and courses that are tailored to their own requirements and interest, such as business language or cultural immersion. Wang and Liang (2011) observe that tailored language instruction can raise students motivation, fulfillment and success. With personalized language learning, students may get feedback and information that is specifically suited to them which can make learning more successful and efficient.

Kim J. H. and Kim S. K. (2017) investigated and to have a adaptive learning system affected students academic achievement, engagement and motivation, which in turn resulted in better academic performance. İn order to personalize English learning and enhance student outcomes, the authors proposed using adaptive learning systems.

Furthermore, technology has improved the effectiveness of language learning. With the use of technology students can monitor their performance create objectives and measure their developments. They can make advantage of language learning programs that offer in immediate feedback on their vocabulary, grammars, and pronunciation. İn order to learn words and phrases more easily, they can also use online dictionaries and translation programs. As a result, individuals campaign points their areas of weakness and concentrate on strengthening them, which aids in learning more effectively. Technology assisted language learning can straighten students cognitive and metacognitive abilities, South regulation and autonomy claim Vurden and Al-unaiyyan (2010). Real time feedback offered by technology in language learning can assist students in swiftly and effectively improving their language abilities in effective educational experience.

The land of learning is an approach to education that combines traditional face to face instruction with online learning activities. In their 2019 research, Mena and Perez investigated that the impact of blended learning on critical thinking when learning foreign language. The outcomes demonstrated that blended learning enhanced learner's capacity for critical touch and encourage their independence and self-regulated learning. The authors proposed that language learner's cognitive and metacognitive abilities may be improved throughout the use of blended learning. London learning allows for a more flexible and personalized learning experience that can be tailored to the needs of individual learners.

Someone has improved collaboration in study of languages. With the use of technology students may collaborate with classmates and preferences from all over the world. They may exchange ideas get feedback and Co create information using collaborative technologies like wikis, blogs and discussion forums. This develops the social, interpersonal and collaborative abilities of the students. Dooley and O’Dowd (2012) coming that technology mediated language learning can improve students critical thinking, creativity and intercultural competency. Trough meaningful interaction with others, learners can obtain an improved understanding of the target language and its cultural context through collaborative learning.

In my experience, I learned my second language, English, through games and watching movies or series. And mostly played games with English subtitles and watched movies without subtitles. This improved my listening and my critical thinking skills. I also read many English novels. Also reading translated things, such as that web novels, Mangas, and comic books. I also improved my speaking skills with my siblings as they knew English just as me. My writing skills were improved when I wrote short stories. Also, it was improved at writing skills classes I took in my first year of university.

As a result, technology has transformed language learning making it more collaborative, interactive, efficient and individualized. Language learners can improve their language learning experience through using a range of technologies and programs including virtual reality gamification, adaptive learning systems, quick feedback, collaborative tools and blended learning. İt has been demonstrated that the use of technology in language learning enhances students intercultural competence, critical thinking, creativity, self-regulation, autonomy, satisfaction, cognitive and metacognitive skills, motivation, engagement, and accomplishment. İn order to improve language learning and enable people to interact and communicate in a globalized environment, instructors and language learners should embrace technology. And with the improvements on the technology language learning they'll be far easier than before.




·         Dooly, M., & O'Dowd, R. (2012). CALL and the development of learner autonomy: realising the potential. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25(3), 249-259.

·         Motteram, G., & Sharma, P. (2009). Blending learning in a web 2.0 world. International Journal of Emerging Technologies & Society, 7(2), 83-96.

·         Panek, P. (2019). Virtual Reality in Education: A Tool for Language Learning. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and E-Learning (ICEEL 2019) (pp. 77-82).

·         Vurdien, R., & Al-Hunaiyyan, A. (2010). An investigation into the use of technology to enhance learning and teaching in higher education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 5(2), 1-8.

·         Wang, Q., & Liang, M. (2011). The effects of personalized e-learning on students' self-regulated learning competences. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 14(2), 109-121.

·         Chen, C. H., Chen, Y. L., & Wu, W. C. (2017). The effects of gamified learning on second language vocabulary recall and retention. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(2), 203-215.

·         Kim, J. H., & Kim, S. K. (2017). The effects of an adaptive learning system on students' motivation, engagement, and academic achievement. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(2), 198-202.

·         Mena, M. E. M., & Pérez, M. L. G. (2019). Blended learning and critical thinking in foreign language learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 22(2), 125-136.



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