What Is Learning?



In this video, you will be learning about what actually is learning. 

Down, i will be giving a short abstract of the video and also a padlet for it.

You will be first learning about what does learning mean. So, what does learning mean? According to video, from an educator's point of view, learning is "Time-dependent development and progress in an individual's knowledge, abilities, and attitudes," in the words of an educator. Science defines learning as "one of the fundamental tasks of the 80 to 100 billion neuron cells in our brain." Via electric currents, cells communicate all external stimuli they receive with other cells. After a given number of transmissions, chemical transmitters used by cells to communicate with one another transform into proteins. We refer to this as learning.

How does learning occur?

Cells use electric currents to transmit all the stimuli they get to neighboring cells when we receive information. After a given number of transmissions, chemical transmitters used by cells to communicate with one another transform into proteins. The development of these protein molecules involves learning. When we learn something, it doesn't become a single piece of information; instead, each component becomes a unique information protein.

When we learn, we associate new knowledge with old knowledge. Old knowledge is what we associate and know about new knowledge. Brain has separate places for every function. These functions effects ones learning.

Brain has three parts that are associated with learning. The hippocampus is in charge of memory and learning. Amygdala: In charge of feelings and reactivity. Responsible for pleasure and the release of dopamine is the nucleus accumbens. They are all important, as without emotion pairing with learning cannot be achieved.

The most effective educational video for a university student usually lasts if a video is longer than 5 minutes, there is a high probability that the video will not be watched. College students can endure videos of 10 to 15 minutes at most.

Lesson content that is visually appealing is the most easily recalled. The explanation is fairly straightforward. Since Homo erectus, humans have been continuously processing visual information. As a result, the brain connects meaning to visual information more quickly.

The ideal duration time of an online class should be 15 minutes. that is because student patience in synchronous classes is limited to 15 minutes if there is no interaction or feedback. But if you engage with others and get their opinions, you'll get amazing results: A 60-minute online session can be completed with sustained focus.

The goal of creating lesson plans: Only when certain principles are followed can teaching take place. For instance, there are three stages of teaching: pre-teaching activities, in-class activities, and post-class activities. Only with the presence of the lesson design is proper planning of these activities possible. Similar to this, the lesson materials should be straightforward, a select few themes should be thoroughly taught, visual aids should be used in presentations, and graphical information should be supplied. The design of the lesson is crucial for effective transfer of all of these.


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